The Unskippable Handbook For Dealing with JERKS, IDIOTS & TERRIBLE People

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The Unskippable Handbook For Dealing with JERKS, IDIOTS & TERRIBLE People by Jim Kukral and Lisa Picarille was written in a fun, conversational style and I read it in one sitting, which is a rarity for me.

The Unskippable Handbook For Dealing with JERKS, IDIOTS & TERRIBLE PeopleThe whole time I was enjoying the hell out of it and laughing to myself.

It’s for anybody who has to deal with jerks, idiots, and terrible people… so all of us.

I am hesitant to call it a self-help book because that feels a little hokey to me, but it really is. And it’s a tone that was enjoyable, rather than preachy.

There is some profanity, but I’d say it’s an amount that is entertaining, and not distracting. The only thing that put me off a little bit was the frequent lack of an Oxford comma, but I was able to get past that because of the fun content.

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