Press Statement: Companies operating in West Africa welcome President Obama’s decision to commit additional US resources to the fight against Ebola

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Press statement: Companies operating in West Africa welcome President Obama’s decision to commit additional US resources to the fight against Ebola

17 September 2014 – As a group of companies operating in West Africa, we welcome yesterday’s announcement by President Obama to allocate significant additional US resources to the region in order to contain and reverse the current outbreak of the Ebola virus. Additional resources announced by various other governments in recent weeks will also be helpful.

This is the worst outbreak of Ebola the world has ever seen and co-ordination and support from the international community is vital if it is to be contained and ultimately eradicated. This announcement is a major step to ensuring this outcome and we would like to express our gratitude to President Obama and the United States Government for recognising the severity of the situation and allocating such significant resources to the fight against Ebola.

As the situation continues to deteriorate on a daily basis, we very much hope these resources will reach the ground as soon as possible. We are ready to support the efforts in whatever way we can.

The group represents some of the largest private employers in West Africa, all of whom remain committed to the region. The group was formed to raise awareness of the need to do more to stop the spreading of Ebola.

On 8 September, the group urged the international community to step up the fight against Ebola, and welcomed President Obama’s decision to send US support to the region.

Contact information

Martin Barrow, Maitland

T. +44 (0)20 7395 0444

M. +44 (0)7843 068912

Nathalie Falco, Maitland

T: +44 (0)20 7379 5151

M: +44 (0)7788 366056


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