Learn to look with the eyes of a child

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Children are naturally curious, they ask without embarrassment, they are willing to learn and be surprised by the details. They create wonderful stories and have no limit to reinvent themselves. This constant experimentation without prejudice is characteristic of the daring and desirable in every entrepreneur.

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3 min read

This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

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It is the month of March and the third edition of Entrepreneur dedicated to small entrepreneurs and their childhood dreams finally sees the light.

As I write these lines, I am reflecting on what a child’s behavior is like in life. His feeling of freedom stands out, of not being afraid of making mistakes and not putting limits on his imagination.

Children are naturally curious, they ask without embarrassment, they are willing to learn and be surprised by the details. They create wonderful stories and have no limit to reinvent themselves. This constant experimentation without prejudice is characteristic of the daring and desirable in every entrepreneur.

I have seen that curiosity makes my nephew Demián able to invent a game from two dolls and a cardboard box. To share with a group of children that he just met and have everyone participate to have the best fun. Aren’t these the qualities of entrepreneurs who build solutions that no one has thought of before, of those who find collaboration an advantage to make a better world?

Without a doubt, we can all return to look with the eyes of a child, to enjoy the small details that life gives us and from there learn to share and collaborate. Do you remember what you dreamed of doing when you were little?

Mag21 Entrepreneur

In addition to rescuing that childhood observation, I want to invite you to encourage them to develop their confidence through entrepreneurship if you have little ones around you. It is not about creating millionaire businesses, but about putting their business initiatives into practice. In this way they will learn to recognize the value of money and healthy competition.

For example, Jonathan wants to be a vet when he grows up. At seven he knows that he must save to pay for his studies; With the support of his mother, he bathes dogs at Well Bathed WOW, a small business that he created and that operates on weekends in Monterrey.

Yulia is about to start her career in Communication. During the last few years he took several entrepreneurship workshops at Businesskids. The result was Sucreha , an audio program with which he wants to improve self-esteem and the identification of the vocation of children. The goal is to convert them into a podcast so that little ones can get to know them.

As you will see, it is about sowing a seed that will flourish in good men and women. It is the mission of the March issue of mag21 of Entrepreneur that I invite you to boost his entrepreneurial mind.

“The secret of genius is to preserve the spirit of the child into old age, which means never lose enthusiasm.”

Aldous huxley


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