How I Support My Local Communities & Why It’s Good for My Health

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I have been involved in my local community for many years. Even before the pandemic started, I found great joy in supporting those in my community. Although this time is hard right now, and people have to social distance, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to pour in time and love to the people and businesses around us!

Our communities need us now more than ever. If you can provide any kind of support to your local community, I highly encourage you to do so. Once the days of COVID-19 are behind us, continue to bring your community together.

The Importance of Community Involvement

Being involved in and supporting your community is important for people. Humans were made to be in a community with one another. Think about a world without others to help or others supporting you — it would be quite lonely and isolated.

Especially in these times, supporting local communities offers a bit of normalcy. Though things look different because of the pandemic, you can still find ways to volunteer or shop local.

When I volunteer my time for the community, it’s something I know I will never forget or regret. My life has been enriched in more ways than one, and I’ve been able to meet and connect with people to build lasting relationships.

Those who start young supporting and immersing themselves in local communities broaden world perspectives. I, for one, have been able to feel a sense of purpose. Every time I give back to the community and help those in my neighborhood, I feel fulfilled.

While I benefit from helping those around me, the community benefits, too. The more you pour into your community, the more opportunities you will have. Without volunteers and support, communities wouldn’t be able to thrive. Supporting your town helps unite you to others and fills the gap of various economic and social classes.

Ways I Support My Local Community

As I said, I’ve been supporting my local communities for quite a while. Here’s how I support my local communities and why it’s good for my health.

1. Purchase Items From Local Businesses

This is such an easy way to support your local community. Many businesses, especially now, are still struggling to survive through the pandemic. Unfortunately, some small shops have had to close down. Support your community by shopping local rather than from large chain stores.

The best way to show your love is by purchasing items from them. I have made it a point to buy a meal from a local restaurant when I want to eat out, and I find small businesses to purchase gifts from for friends and families.

When financial support isn’t possible, you can still help by telling family and friends about your favorite business, following the companies on social media and leaving good reviews.

2. Volunteer

You can easily find volunteer opportunities once you begin to immerse yourself in the community. I’ve found things that appeal to me, making my time supporting my community much more enjoyable. However, don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone when volunteering.

Although it might be challenging to find in-person volunteer opportunities right now, you could still go virtual. Some communities have banded together to sew masks for the public or essential workers. Others have tutored online for a young student.

Whatever it is you choose to do, your volunteer efforts will significantly benefit the community!

3. Donate

Every spring, I find myself going through my closets and storage areas in my house, looking for items in good condition that I no longer use. Local charities take in possessions to offer to the rest of the community.

You can also donate canned goods, your time or money. Find a local charity and ask specifically for items the community needs. Take time to clean up the neighborhood. Set aside extra cash for a community project or to donate to a school sports team.

Why Supporting My Community Is Good for My Health

I have experienced a wealth of health benefits from giving back to my community. Studies have shown that volunteering improves health, and I’ve witnessed that firsthand!

My physical health is better than I ever imagined it. Some of the volunteer groups I’m involved in require some sort of physical demand. I can get outside and enjoy the sunshine while walking to pick up litter or gardening in the community garden.

I’ve also been happier. Each time I give back, my mind is focused on what I’m doing for my community and nothing else. All of the worries of my day disappear, and my mind clears. Plus, I get to interact with others in my community, which is great for my social health.

Also, I eat much healthier. In the summer and fall, especially, I purchase locally grown produce from the farmer’s market. Instead of supporting a large industry, I’m supporting local farmers and get the freshest fruits and vegetables.

Support Your Community

Every time you support your local community, you help to be part of something greater than yourself. I have found so much joy from helping my neighbors and local town, and the health benefits I’ve noticed have made it all the more worth it.

How will you support your local communities?

Kara Reynolds is the Editor-in-Chief and founder of Momish Magazine. Mom and step mom living her best life while managing anxiety and normalizing blended families. She enjoys pilates, podcasts, and a nice pinot grigio. 


Erin shows overscheduled, overwhelmed women how to do less so that they can achieve more. Traditional productivity books—written by men—barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures that women feel when facing down a to-do list. How to Get Sh*t Done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.

first appeared on www.pickthebrain.com

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