Full-Time Freelancing Lures More Americans

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Benefits and Challenges of Full-Time Freelancing in the US

Many Americans prefer to have full-time freelancing as their careers. Many companies hire freelancers or independent workers to consult or work on various projects. Full-time freelancing jobs provide sound opportunities for self-employment. While there are risks and difficulties like not having a steady source of income in the beginning, full-time freelancing work can provide benefits in the long run, especially if the worker can build a professional relationship with clients.

Why there is a Steady Rise in the Number of Available Freelancers?

Freelancing allows you to decide your workload and fix your timings. Those who opt for full-time freelancing jobs can work when they want to and can choose how much work they want to do within a certain period. Freelancing jobs are flexible, and the freelancer can easily select his or her place and time of work.

This is why more and more Americans are choosing full-time freelance work. Freelance work is also a source of additional income for those who already have other jobs. The nature of freelancing work helps people to do it alongside other jobs without compromising on either and therefore is a lucrative option for many.

Younger People Prefer Freelance Work as Opposed to 9 to 5 Jobs

A general study of workers who prefer freelance jobs revealed that Americans between 18 to 22 years of age are more likely to opt for full-time freelancing jobs, while only 29% of Americans above the age of 50 have worked or are working as freelancers.

One of the major reasons for this is that younger people prefer the independence of freelance work while older ones look for increased stability. Full-time freelancing work can provide financial security if approached correctly, but most Americans above the age of 50 are not open towards flexible forms of work.

Younger people are lured by the idea of freelancing as they enjoy liberty and can engage in different forms of work that can make use of their skills.

Full-Time Freelancing Often Provides Better Pay

There are many Americans who do not have steady, traditional jobs. Freelancing, for them, traditional a good source of income and, with time, becomes more permanent as a job option. In regular jobs, most workers are underpaid, and their skills are not utilized to the fullest. These workers, therefore, turn to full time freelancing as that allows them to work jobs that fit their skill set and also demand proper rates.

Impact on the US Economy

According to the Freelancers in America Survey by Upwork and Freelancers Union, 39% of Americans are now full-time freelancers. Freelancing actually forms 5% of USA’s GDP, amounting to almost 1 trillion dollars. While freelancing does not guarantee steady cash flow, and most workers have to survive paycheck to paycheck, it still attracts workers as it provides opportunities for multiple outlets of work, which brings in more money.


Freelancing work can be done into a reliable career opportunity if the worker can upgrade existing skills and acquire new ones constantly. Americans who are freelancing full-time, usually learn as many management, technological, and communicative skills as possible. These are the major things that help further freelancing work. Once a worker can that, there is a guarantee of job security in the freelancing sector.

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