About MoneyMaster.Guru

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Thank you for visiting MoneyMaster.Guru where we hope to empower You in the pursuit of Freedom, Liberty and Independence through financial education and entrepreneurship. 

Please feel free to browse our website for latest money making tips and ideas, business and crypto news.  We hope to encourage You to create your own road map to success, whatever that maybe for you. We believe that true happiness comes from freedom to do what you want when you want. Therefore the only way to truly escape the rat race is to build location and time independent businesses.

That is why we focus on online businesses, passive income and most revolutionizing and greatest financial liberator in human history: crypto currency and blockchain technology. Crypto currency allows us to keep full control of our money without being bound by location or relying on “others” to tell us what we can and can not do with our money, when we can access it, spend it, use it.

We also strongly believe that with every success comes responsibility to share our knowledge and help others. There is something very innate in all of us to makes us happy and fulfilled when we help others. Please consider donating portion of your wealth and invest into others, invest in your well being. Below are some charities that we recommend.
