The 8-year-old girl who studies two majors and dreams of being an astronaut

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Adhara Pérez is an eight-year-old Mexican girl with an IQ of 162 two points over Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking.

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This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Adhara Pérez is an eight-year-old Mexican girl with an IQ of 162 two points over Alber Einstein and Stephen Hawking. The girl is already studying two university degrees but her path has not been easy.

Adhara dreams of being an astronaut, traveling to space and even colonizing Mars, tells the story collected by Infobae .


The little girl was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome at the age of three, after her mother, Nallely Sánchez, noticed that her daughter behaved differently from other children her age.

Adhara “played with blocks, placing them all in rows, ate in the periquera and always rocked, and could spend hours and hours like that,” according to the interview conducted by Infobae with the girl’s mother.

A year later the doctors detected that the little girl had Asperger’s syndrome, which is included within the autism spectrum and affects reciprocal social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, according to the Asperger Spain Confederation .

People with this condition are characterized by inflexibility of thought, that is, they do not understand metaphors or double meaning.

Unfortunately, this became a problem for Adhara, since in the schools in which she studied she suffered from bullying from her classmates who called her “weird” and from comments from teachers who said that the girl “did not want to” and isolated her.

What actually happened was that the little girl got bored in class. Subsequently, her mother enrolled her in the Talent Service Center (CEDAT) , where they determined that Adhara had an IQ of 162, it is important to note that 130 is already considered a person to be gifted.


The little girl studied at CEDAT for a while, but the costs and the economy did not allow her to continue at that institution. Her mother decided that she would study at a distance, this is how the little girl finished primary school at five, secondary school at six and a half, and high school shortly after.

Currently, Adhara is studying two online university degrees, Systems Engineering at CNCI and Industrial Engineering in Mathematics at UNITEC.

Adhara’s biggest dream is to go to the United States to study and become an astronaut. The University of Arizona already knows her, as well as Rice University, which have invited her to study astrophysics. However, her mother knows that it will not be easy in terms of finances but hopes to achieve it and help her daughter become a scientist or an astronaut.

The little girl was accepted to attend the International Air and Space Program (IASP), an event to be held in Alabama, United States, in which she would have the opportunity to learn with aerospace experts, as well as present a project.


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