Single and unvaccinated? More than half of Mexicans would only date someone vaccinated

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A new global survey from Kaspersky explores the role of dating apps in modern relationships.

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This article was translated from our Spanish edition using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Love in times of COVID-19?

As vaccination advances around the world and sections of the population resist immunization, people pay more attention to their health and safety when dating. According to a study commissioned by Kaspersky , more than half of Mexicans (52%) prefer to only date people who have antibodies and / or a vaccination certificate.

In the global analysis done for Kaspersky, people in general are more concerned about seeing each other face to face since the onset of the pandemic. Their data reflects that the number of Mexican users doubled (from 15% to 34%) of online dating applications who do not meet with any of their partners in person.

Does the vaccination status of the people you date matter to you? / Image: Depositphotos.com

The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns caused people to spend more time on dating apps, and that number continues to grow. However, 70% of Mexicans report feeling nervous or insecure when meeting someone in person for the first time. For this reason 60% prefer to speak first by phone or video before meeting for an appointment.

“With confinement and restrictions around the world, online dating seems to play an important role in people’s lives today. Still, the transition from ‘online’ to ‘offline’ is a leap into the void. For many: not only the health situation must be taken into account, but also the common risks of meeting a stranger. To continue enjoying online and offline dating with confidence, it is important to be aware of the data you share with your potential partner So if you change your mind about meeting someone, always be in control, know how much personal information you have shared and how it can be used, “says David Jacoby, security researcher at Kaspersky.

Look for love, but take care of your data

Kaspersky offers the following tips to keep your personal data private when dating online.

  • Share photos that don’t reveal information, such as your address or your workplace.
  • Use photos of trips or emblematic places, without showing your or other people’s data.
  • It’s better to use the messaging feature built into dating platforms than sharing your phone number or other messaging apps.
  • If you decide to switch to another messaging system, don’t forget to configure it to keep your data private and safe.


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