Amazon FBA BREXIT updates and additional information

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Amazon have issued some key Amazon FBA BREXIT updates and some additional information to help you transition your business through the changes coming up by the 1st of January.

Dates for key Amazon FBA BREXIT updates and changes

  • The first of the Amazon FBA BREXIT updates to be aware of is that inventory removal orders for cross-border inventory were stopped on the 14th of November. Any removal orders created before the 14th of November will be processed.
  • Pan-European FBA inventory transfers will stop on the 18th of December.
  • Cross-border fulfilment via Amazon FBA EFN will wind down between the 21st and 28th of December.

This means that if you do nothing, UK sellers will cease to attract sales from the EU and vice versa. From these dates, if you wish to continue to sell cross border then you will need to send inventory to fulfilment centres in the UK and the EU in order to maintain your stock levels and sales.

Cross-border shipping promotion with the Amazon Partnered Carrier Programme

To support FBA merchants with managing upcoming changes and with inbounding across the new customs border, Amazon have launched a cross-border shipping promotion which offers a 30-65% average saving off transportation for deliveries between the UK and the EU, using the Amazon Partnered Carrier Programme.

The UK to EU and EU to UK rates will be reduced so that they are the same rate as local PCP rates (for example, rates for UK to Germany will be the same as the rates for shipping from a UK address to a UK fulfilment centre). This promotion will run from the 19th of November to the 18th of December, enabling you to send inventory to the UK or the EU at a lower cost prior to the EU-UK customs border that will be in place from the 1st of January 2021.

Amazon are working to ensure that the Amazon Partnered Carrier Programme can continue to support all existing shipping lanes in 2021, including lanes impacted by Brexit with more information coming in December 2020.

Temporary Pan-European FBA eligibility criteria relaxation

Amazon are temporarily updating their Pan-European FBA eligibility criteria by removing the requirement to have an active UK offer. As of the 18th of December 2020, products will continue to be eligible for enrolment in Pan-European FBA, even if there is not an active offer in the UK. This is a temporary measure to support our sellers with adjusting to the customs border that will be in place from the 1st of January 2021.

Amazon will reinstate the UK offer requirement in the near future, and we recommend that sellers maintain their UK offer by sending inventory directly to UK fulfilment centres and will provide a minimum notice period of 60 days prior to reinstating the UK offer requirement.

Don’t forget that Amazon have a Brexit help page where you can keep up to date with all the Amazon FBA BREXIT updates and other changes. Amazon also have a Brexit Selling Partner Guide to support you with your preparations.

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