[PRESS RELEASE – Please Read Disclaimer]
LetsExchange.io, an instant cryptocurrency exchange platform, will now offer more options for cryptocurrency exchange. More than 260 crypto coins are currently available without registration or any upper limit amount, resulting in up to 70,000 crypto pairs available for swaps.
The platform’s ongoing journey of connecting with more liquidity providers (leading custodial exchanges) and extending its own crypto inventory allows users to have a wide array of coins for exchange, get a more competitive rate in every swap, and convert crypto without delays.
The LetsExchange platform’s liquidity system update powers up the set of already available distinct features for users:
- Nearly 70,000 cryptocurrency pairs and counting
- No registration and KYC required
- Simple, intuitive interface for seamless and effortless swaps
- Secure on-chain transactions
- Transparent exchange process easily traceable through blockchain explorers
- The fixed-rate option for users to exclude slippage and perfectly match the estimated exchange amount with the outcome.
- Detailed exchange statistics, portfolio management tools, and other additional features for registered users
- Responsive customer support is available 24/7
Due to the platform’s double-digit month-over-month growth rates, LetsExchange also continues to gradually upgrade its technical infrastructure and server capacity in order to meet the growing demand for seamless cryptocurrency swaps.
About LetsExchange
LetsExchange.io is an instant multi-currency exchange service free of registration, limits, and complications. With hassle-free access, a user-friendly interface, and fast automated transactions, LetsExchange saves users’ time at each step of the exchange process to help them get the most out of every crypto swap.
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