Bad news: the law enforcement and ambulances always show up AFTER something happens… and in some cases they’re one whole hour late! You Must Be Ready !


Did you know a home is broken into every 14 seconds (1) in the U.S.?

Or that a child dies from choking every 5 days (2)?

Or that there are 3,200 violent crimes happen EVERY SINGLE DAY (3)?

These are just a few of the shocking statistics that kill average people and preppers alike every single day on US soil. I found no less than 41 emergenciesthat people (including preppers) are totally unprepared for.

Grab a pen and paper and watch the presentation above because I’m about to give you the full list of these emergencies that can strike at any time on a personal level.

When you do the math, all of these 41 different emergencies combined injure MILLIONS of Americans and kill dozens of thousands every single year… Everyone knows they’re happening, everyone knows they’ll continue to happen.

You’ll save yourself and your family a lot of pain and suffering, thousands of dollars on medication and surgery, and months or even years of seeing doctors and sitting in hospital beds if you choose to prepare for these common emergencies today…


it’ll help you and your family prepare for and survive personal doomsdays by taking simple, practical steps, and by assembling a stellar everyday carry kit of survival items… ● How to prepare for each and every one of the 41 everyday emergencies from rape and choking to car crashes and riots, from fainting to surviving a burning building, NOTHING is left out. For each of these we talk about prevention, what to do right before it happens and how to make it out alive even when the odds are against you.


Corona Virus, A dollar collapse, war with N. Korea, EMPs… these are the Doomsday events everyone in the prepping community talks about… We’re worried they could wipe us all out at some point.

But what if I told you that there are no less than 41 different emergencies that are already killing us… every single day?

They aren’t large-scale disasters, think of them as “personal emergencies”… but the magnitude doesn’t make a difference when it comes to death.

Dan Sullivan has made a video where he gives you the full list to watch out for:

I should mention children are particularly vulnerable to these emergencies… so stop prepping for “the big one” for just a bit and watch this:

Whether you’re worried about a sudden layoff, home invasions, car accidents, the power going out for a week, natural disasters, or long term economic and societal decline, it’s critical that you start getting prepared now. By definition, if you wait until you need it, it’s already too late.

You’re not alone: Millions of rational people from all walks of life are taking preparedness seriously — and the movement is growing as more people realize they can’t depend on others to save them in our changing world.

It’s simple: depending on what happens, you’ll either stay in your home, leave your home, or be away from home. Making it needlessly complicated makes you less prepared.

But prepping can seem overwhelming. And to make matters worse, there’s a lot of crazy “loud minority” junk out there that pollutes rational preparedness with extremism, dangerous info, or silly internet debates that don’t actually matter.

The whole point of prepping is to reduce the chances of major life disruptions and to better recover from disruptions when they do happen. That’s it!

Even something as simple and common as a fire extinguisher in your kitchen counts — the vast majority of prepping has nothing to do with bunkers and bullets!

Don’t just look for a single checklist and skip the reading. You will save yourself a lot of wasted money and time, and be better prepared, if you take a little bit of time to learn from others instead of making the same mistakes most beginners make when they try to “skip the vegetables” — the real trick to prepping well is knowledge and following the right path, not putting a bucket of gear in your closet.

The basic steps to prepping:

  1. Build a solid personal finance and health foundation
  2. Get your home ready for two weeks of self-reliance
  3. Be able to leave your home with only a moment’s notice (“bug out bags”)
  4. Prepare for emergencies that happen away from home (“get home bags” and everyday carry)
  5. Learn core skills and practice with your gear
  6. Share and recruit while continuing to learn and going beyond the basics

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1. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/ you-re-more-likely-die-choking-be-killed-foreign-terrorists-n715141

2. https://www.sciencedaily.com/ releases/2010/02/100226212559.htm

3. https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/latest-crime-statistics-released

4. http://www.schoolsecurity.org/trends/best-practices-for-school-security-and-emergency-preparedness-planning/

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