3 Badass Ways to Conquer Your Struggles And Move Forward

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There’s a quote that says, “when life gives you lemons, ask for salt and tequila.” This quote stood out to me because let’s be real sometimes life gets super sour. This is just part of the life we were given to live. As human beings, difficulties will constantly be knocking on our doors. And the reaction that we choose to face the difficulties with is our responsibility.

Nothing in life is permanent. If we take an example at the 4 different seasons we go throughout the year. We can see that one season there are leaves to the trees, next the leaves are falling from the trees.

We can see our lives the same way, sometimes things are good, and sometimes life feels like you’ve been kicked in your mid-section. But it is important to develop a mindset of a conqueror. A conqueror knows that no matter how hard life gets, he/she can be creative with the options that life puts on the table and still conquer.

Struggles are unavoidable

2020 has been a year of unpredictability. Starting with everything that is going on around the global population. It’s like we are living in a mystery episode each month. But also for me, this year has been one to write in the “world’s most surprising records” book.

Life was good until the beginning of February; it was a Thursday morning when I had a wisdom tooth extraction appointment. After the appointment I was happy to get a tooth that’s been bothering me for weeks out. I slept happily that night. To my surprise the next morning, I woke up with no movement on half of my face.

Since it was a Friday most of the doctor’s offices closed early. I had to wait until Monday morning to visit my doctor. That morning I was diagnosed with “Facial paralysis.” A 26 year-old with a weird looking face and with no guarantee that my face will go back to normal.

Without hesitation and without anticipation life threw a big ass lemon into my face, BOOP!

After days or even weeks of crying and depressing myself out because of my condition, I realized that there are two options waiting for me… What should be my next move?

  1. Keep crying and lock myself in a basement of depression and desperation.
  2. Wipe the tears from my eyes and look for the lesson that I need to learn from this situation.

Many times when we face difficulties, we prefer to wear the attitude of complaining how bad life is. Instead of getting up and showing life how you can throw that lemon back.

How Do I Conquer in Life?

The thing about difficulty is that we cannot control the situation that has come upon us. But we can begin to control some details. For example, our reaction towards the difficulty.

What do you do when everything you trusted collapses? How do you prepare for sudden change in life? How do you bounce back after life hits you down to your knees?

Living on earth means to expect the unexpected. It’s to prepare yourself for the unforeseen. This is something that many of us fail to do. That is why when going through a crisis it may feel like there’s no way out.

Today I want to help you change your perception of your difficulties, to see them as possibilities.

C.S. Lewis said “Hardship often prepares an ordinary person for an extraordinary destiny.”

Here are 3 ways you can develop a mindset of a conqueror:

  1. Prepare yourself mentally that nothing is permanent

To conquer and move forward after each difficulty is to develop the mindset that nothing is permanent. Just as the good will not last forever, so the bad won’t. Some people do not like change. But it’s important to realize that changes have many benefits. You wouldn’t appreciate the good if you never went through the bad.

Be open to change and expect the unforeseen. It doesn’t matter what is happening right now because it cannot last. There will be an end to every crisis.

  1. Break loose from the victim mentality

After the doctors diagnosed me with facial paralysis, my first reaction was to blame. Blame the dentists, my job, and everything around me for going through what I went through.

But afterward, I came to understand that when we create a victim mentality for our struggles it will delay us from receiving the blessings that are meant for us. With the result that, you will dwell in your situation long term, while you could have been free. But because of your wrong mindset, you are stuck. Break free from it!

  1. See your difficulties as possibilities to grow

You are alive! You are learning, growing, and smarter now. Change has a tremendous benefit over our lives. Just as a hurricane when it hits a country it’s dark and ugly but after a few months’ new flowers are blooming. You can see a clearer landscape, new construction, etc. Our difficulties will build us to become strong and capable people.


Difficulties will knock on our doors time and time again. What we choose next is our responsibility. Teach yourself to see the good in everything!

Decide today that you are going to prepare yourself to see your hardship as new possibilities, by breaking loose from a victim mentality and by accepting that nothing is permanent!

Hi, my name is Jayne. I’m from the beautiful island of Curaçao. I’m a life coach. I help people that are stuck in a status quo lifestyle understand their potential by changing their mindset so that they can become the best version of themselves. Read more from me, here!

The post 3 Badass Ways to Conquer Your Struggles And Move Forward appeared first on Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement.


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